Q. What is SocialKonf?
A. SocialKonf is a simple website where you can post and see the events happening around. It can be a meetup, online event, knowledge sharing session or even a cultural event. Basically, it will be a simple social media for events.
Q. Can I submit the events?
A. Yes, you can; you must submit new events.
- Step 1. Add the organizer details if you cannot find it.
- Step 2. Add the event details – it will not take more than 10 minutes.
Q. Is that a replacement for the existing events platform?
A. Not at all! At the moment we do not have a plan to mess up with the event schedule, RSVP, emailing etc. It is just a platform to share the details about the event.
Q. Why are you doing this?
A. Most of the time we receive personal messages and say “sorry, I was not aware of the event; could you please inform me next time?”, or “How can I know the event is happening around” etc. So this is a simple platform to share and use details about such events 😀